
Where to Start?

Want to help but you’re not sure where to start? Check our issues for help wanted or good first issue labels.

Nothing there? Examples and documentation are always a great place to start! If you’re confused about something, chances are a lot of other people are too. If you can offer a clearer way of explaining something or an example that highlights what you were trying to figure out, that’s a great way to contribute!

Development Workflow

All development should start and end with the development branch. We create all releases from the master branch, but no human should ever touch that branch.

If you forget, don’t worry! master should never be far behind development so you probably won’t have any conflicts if you start from master and our army of bots will make sure that your pull requests end up in the right place. :)

Development Environment

All of our checks and tests can be run locally using tox. Just pipx install tox or pip install --user -r ci-requirements.txt to get set up.

Once you have tox installed, check out the config file for information on the various test environments.

For more information on tox, see the tox docs.

Submitting Changes

When you’re ready to submit your changes, open up a pull request against the development branch.


Ok, so that’s cool and all, but how does all of that work???

We use a variety of GitHub Apps and Action workflows to manage this repo:

Repo Management

  • settings : We use probot settings to manage most repository settings.
  • branch-switcher : We use probot branch switcher to make sure that all pull requests end up with the correct target.
  • apply-pr-labels Some of our automation relies on labels being applied to pull requests. This workflow takes care of applying those labels.
  • promote Every time a pull request is merged into development, this workflow automatically creates a pull request promoting those changes to master. If a pull request already exists, it will simply be updated as you would expect.
  • automerge Our branch protection rules define our requirements for a pull request to be accepted. If those requirements are met, this workflow merges those changes.
  • publish Libraries are not terribly useful if they are not published to the appropriate package indexes. This workflow takes any published GitHub releases, packages them, and publishes them to PyPI.

Pull Requests and Testing

  • static-analysis : We check all pull requests with a variety of static analysis tools to ensure the safety, consistency, and quality of our codebase. This also means that computers (not humans!) will complain if you don’t have formatting/etc quite right. :)
  • local-tests : We run our local (unit and functional) tests on every pull request.
  • integration-tests : Because they require credentials that are difficult to share, we only run our integration tests on promotion pull requests from development to master. If you want to run these tests for yourself locally, though, you can! Like all of our other tests, our integration tests are all managed through tox.